Friday, November 18, 2011

Why Jamaicans so concerned with name brand?

I am so mad, mi just come off the phone wit my cousin who lives in Jamaica. She a tell me fi bring her a dress when i come next week, so i say ok...and i send her a website with some dresses so she can pick what she want...this girl call me and said " No sah, them dress not what im looking for" and sends me a link for the Donna Karan website!!!

*hisssss teeth*....what this girl think? I'm not even wearing Donna Karan, and I live in the U.S. Why are some people so concerned with name brands? I was not raised that way, and I have never been into the name brand thing, but i notice a majority of my friends, and family only wear name brand, i.e, Ed Hardy, True Religion, Dolce, ect.

I mean, I wear it sometimes too, but I dont HAVE to have it!!! |||I am Jamaican residing in Canada and have had the same experience. Frankly I feel it is

1) lack of experience with the nicer things in life (neva si come si)

2) Fallah pattan

3) Long eye

4) Or not having the first hand experience of working hard in the cold, whether rain or shine just to ensure a comfortable lifestyle.|||Most Jamaicans do not worry about name brands.

Many Jamaicans have their own personal dressmaker because there are quite a few dressmakers in Jamaica.

There are however people who want to wear name brands because they really like them..and there are those who want to make a statement to others"look what I can afford".

This is how some people are and they are found all around the world.

|||When people look for quality, they usually find that name brands have consistent quality. That's the purpose of a name brand. In Jamaica, everything wears out faster, so a good defense is going with a name brand. Many people find that off-brand merchandise just doesn't stand up to the wear and tear.|||erroneous self-validation: i wear expensive clothes therefore i'm worth more than everyone who doesn't.

it's not only jamaicans. other people do it too.|||LOL, so true hun, so true!!|||just buy her some fake ones|||call your cousin back and ask her to send you some Pablo Palair Fashion (jamaica's biggest upcoming fashion designer)maybe she'll get the hint !sometimes our Caribbean friends and family think because we live in the USA we're all rich not realizing we work hard for our money too! years ago a friend of mine saved all her money for a year to buy a louis vutton bag -and she was taking the bus how ridiculous was that ,so i told her if your riding public transit nobody's gonna believe its real girl!!!!|||lmao at Professor Oglevee buying clothes at Bobby's!!

Neway Just let her know u're not buying that stuff; I know exactly what you mean though cuz everytime I go I somehow end up with a long wish list of brand name stuff; it's like some people think things free abroad or something. If i were you i'd tell her to get a credit card, buy the stuff online, ship it to you and you'll bring it. I usually just go to Marshalls and get some reduced price brand name stuff. I personally just think some ppl looking a hype in one bag a brand name stuff and nothing else to go with it.

Personally I like brand name stuff but it's usually one or 2 pieces (like a coach bag or christian audigier sweater) other than that i'm not really a fan as long as it's not a "fraud brand" i'll wear it|||This happens for 2 reasons:

One is that Jamaicans watch WAY too much TV and see the advertisement for brand name products. Seeing is believing, so they THINK it offers better quality, despite the inflated cost ( brand names have to pay marketing costs %26amp; that cost is passed to the consumer ).

Second %26amp; most important reason...the CRAP they get from South America, China, and other breaks, tears, mashes up too quickly, so they THINK buying a name product insures quality. Sometimes thats true, but try taking something back to Wal Mart or Sears when your in Jamaica !|||SAY IT AGAIN: I also have a friend who is "Coach this, True religion etc etc: but yet lives in the not so nice part of town "rents" and keeps a dirty home. I guess in these peoples mind: they want people to think they are the "haves" to us "have nots". I don't need a $ 200.00 pair of jeans. I would rather buy something to upgrade my home or buy several things on sale and have some cash left over. hmmmm I installed central air opposed to a fan....LOL sorry it does erk me. Puerto Rico....|||You see when I am traveling to Jamaica, I go to Bobbies Department Store which is in NY and buy clothes, shoes and personal supplies for family and friends. They know that I aint going to buy no Tommy Hilfiger and other name brands for them. I dont broke them bad so they dont deer play that game with me.

You know what, the things that I buy for them is not expensive but they are sure grateful for them.

It also starts from you, if you nip it from the bud they know not to come to you with such non-sense.

People who cannot afford name brand yearn for them to show off to their friends. They are insecure spoil brats that is looking for people's approval.

Dont get me wrong, there is nothing wrong with name brand items, its good to treat yourself once in a while.|||I know what you mean. I am a Jamaican and I don't care for brand name clothes at all. Heck, call me cheap, but why would I want to buy a brand name pants for $2,500 when I can get a pants just as nice for only $1,300?

I think it's just ridiculous and these people need to look into themselves and know that the clothes u have on do not make u better than anybody else. So if you were a no good person from morning, the clothes you have on doesnt make you a better person!

As my husband always says "Clothes does not make you look good, You make the clothes you have on look good!"

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